What is ultrasound used for?

An ultrasound scan uses high-frequency sound waves to make an image of a person's internal body structures.

Doctors commonly use ultrasound to study a developing fetus (unborn baby), a person's abdominal and pelvic organs, muscles and tendons, or their heart and blood vessels.

It plays a big role in accessing viability of different kinds of organ transplant by examining vascular flow.

Preparation for Ultrasound exam

Abdominal ultrasound

If your exam takes place in the morning

  • Do not eat any solid or liquid food after midnight. However, you can take your medicine with a little water.
  • Do not chew gum, as this will make you swallow air, which may affect the quality of the images. 

If your exam takes place after 1 p.m.

  • You should be fasting for four to six hours before the exam. However, you can take your medicine with a little water.
  • Do not eat fatty food in the morning (muffins, eggs, cheese, sausage, bacon, butters made of peanuts or nuts, butter or margarine). For example, you can eat a serving of oatmeal with fruit, bread with jam, or any other equivalent food if you have gluten intolerance.
  • Do not chew gum, as this will make you swallow air, which may affect the quality of the images.
  • You can take your medication, but with as little water as possible.

Pelvic & OB ultrasound

  • You must have a full bladder when you arrive at the clinic.
  • Make sure you drink four eight-ounce glasses (960 ml total) of water or juice 75 minutes before the exam and don’t urinate.

Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound

If your exam takes place in the morning

  • Do not eat any solid or liquid food after midnight. However, you can take your medicine with a little water.
  • You must have a full bladder when you arrive at the clinic. Make sure you drink four eight-ounce glasses (960 ml total) of water or juice 75 minutes before the exam and don’t urinate.
  • Do not chew gum, as this will make you swallow air, which may affect the quality of the images.

If your exam takes place after 1 p.m.

  • You should be fasting for four to six hours before the exam. However, you can take your medicine with a little water.
  • You must have a full bladder when you arrive at the clinic. Make sure you drink four eight-ounce glasses (960 ml total) of water or juice 75 minutes before the exam and don’t urinate.
  • Do not eat fatty food in the morning (muffins, eggs, cheese, sausage, bacon, butters made of peanuts or nuts, butter or margarine). For example, you can eat a portion of oatmeal with fruit, bread with jam, or any other equivalent food if you have gluten intolerance.
  • Do not chew gum, as this will make you swallow air, which may affect the quality of the images

Thyroid, Musculoskeletal & Testicular ultrasound

No preparation is required before these ultrasounds. However, it is recommended to avoid the use of creams or perfumes before the examination.